Today's poet is one of the founding members of auxarczen
Dave Ashmore / dasho
Bides his time as a multi-dimensional, multi-media artist & poet living in Southwestern Missouri. He has an obsessive habit of sync-cruising endless backroads with his buddy Steve, dreams in 24 frames per second & hears a full cast of strange voices in perfect harmony.
He thinks it's all for the birds.
Where do I even begin to explain Dave? I guess the best way to start is to say I will never be able to explain Dave or his art, but I adore both. Dave lives on a higher plane of consciousness than most of us. He is a true artist, able to filter his surroundings through his artistic lens and has tackled most art forms and is outstanding at them all. He is a painter, poet, playwright, collage artist, filmmaker, actor and so much more. I met him in the fall of 1984 during the rehearsals for a college play and was blown away by his voice and stage presence. In the spring of 1985, he knocked on Michael’s door and said, “I hear you write poetry.” That sentence started a collaboration that continues today. In the summer of 2019, after 25 years of being separated by life, Michael knocked on his door and said, “Let’s get back to work.” and auxarczen was born.
Since August, we have been working diligently to get auxarczen off the ground, enjoying every minute of our work together. We have vowed to never let life get in the way of creating together ever again. I know without a doubt you will be just as impressed with his voice and his presence as I was those 36 years ago.
Wanting more than
was ever needed
not what was sought out
but how it was
actually achieved
some Howard Hawks
TCM another & again
your favorite
loneliest holy hole
checked into
from out of time
you win some
to suffer losing
As it waltzes in
to noir parties
you can go
into wild wool
& shootin' irons
into wilding
a little too close to home
home again
jiggity jog
insulting whistle
to get to whale
songs billowed up
from deepest
harpoon & chain
Then home again
you say
But when & where
this party roaming
over edges
liminal spaces
cemetery graces
tattered flowers
flung to winds
of so-called timeline
So where?
do you
do we
To when?
forever again?
again & again
Whatever boats you
O'er the river again
Where no postcard left to endure it
Beyond ending
No endearing friendship left
To test, to taste
Beyond water of life
Nor take another aging step
Nor breathe it in
& for free
As once again
To the next
As all things go away
