Series of poems exchanged between poets via e-mail
# 8
When my wife and I first started dating
it was long-distance
by phone, text, and Skype
often poems sent back-and-forth
Monthly opportunities for face-to-face
and limb-to-limb connection
enabled by hours spent entombed in airports and
suspended strapped-in above the clouds
everything still
but for the soothing hum of jet engines
I wanted no earphones, no distractions
but a book of poems or a novel
and to look out at mountains
of swirling meringue
and faintly hear
the Music of the Spheres
Now we are together
alone in our desert home
with our cats
The world beyond we glimpse remotely
through phone, text, tv, Zoom
While out the window
spring bunnies
nesting quail
all manner of birds at the feeders
The occasional bobcat lopes through
silent, deadly as a virus,
—John Roche